One hundred per cent online. This has been Ardennes-Etape’s maxim since 2001. Now this small business from Stavelot, in the Belgian province of Liège, is awarded by Trends the “Digital Gazelle”.
No paper catalogue. Never. What they do have: a practical website promoting high-quality holiday cottages in the Belgian Ardennes.
In four languages and in constant evolution. The website has been Ardennes-Etape’s cornerstone since its foundation. This way all functionality of the internet is used.
Trends, together with Google, rewards this working method. Ardennes-Etape is awarded the “Digital Gazelle” for company with the best digital strategy, the business that used the web and other digital means “the best possible way to ensure its growth.”
Furthermore, Ardennes-Etape becomes an important actor in the local economy. The number of employees increased to 30 and a significant amount of resources is dedicated to the promotion of the Belgian Ardennes as a tourist destination. Local businesses benefit from the economic activity.
Staying Up-to-date
“Saying the internet is part of our business strategy is an understatement,” says André Offermans, CEO at Ardennes-Etape. “It is in fact part of the company’s DNA.”
“The challenge is to stay up-to-date with technological evolutions. New technologies and social media already play a key role in reaching and convincing our clients,” adds Offermans.
Business Philosophy
Apart from the top-of-the-range website quality is another core value within Ardennes-Etape. They are proud of the strict selection criteria and follow-up procedure. The company’s philosophy is participatory and strategic decisions are taken after thorough consultation at management level. All co-workers are expected to show a great deal of autonomy in the completion of each project. This responsibility and token of trust motivates all employees in the development of their own expertise.
“Receiving this award as a small business from Stavelot is an absolute pleasure and an excellent promotion for the region,” explains André Offermans in conclusion. “This motivates us even more to stay focused on new technologies and trends.
For more information please call Valérie Geron at Ardennes-Etape: